Volunteer Centers of Iowa in partnership with the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service will offer an online volunteer management training series that begins on January 27, 2016.
The online volunteer management series will enhance best practices training and provide a consistent curriculum, to be used throughout the state. The webinar series is live, interactive and the online classes are presented by leading experts across the state.
Your involvement in this training series will connect you with other volunteer coordinators/managers throughout the state and provide an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of this advanced curriculum.
VMTS is geared toward individuals that are fairly new to managing or coordinating volunteers for nonprofits, schools, government sector, faith-based organizations or service organizations.
For more information or see series overview, click here To register visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/volunteer-centers-of-iowa-volunteer-management-training-series-webinar-winter-2016-tickets-18615349010.